Hey, Teachers!
Whether you're a veteran teacher or a new teacher, you might be questioning how to support students in these crushing times facing public school. It was already challenging. We already have too much on our plate, and now, we're wondering how to advocate for youth while navigating a s...
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All Categories "safe" thanksgiving topics attrition being a resilient teacher book bans and censorship bullying and student self-harm or suicide chatgpt in instruction civil rights classroom organization tips coping with little time and resources covid-19 and student learning declutter your classroom workspace fast decompress and destress as a teacher dei developing a sense of self as a first year teacher disruptive students diversity equity federal funding cuts first year teacher funding cuts holiday season activity themes how to cope with book bans how to love teaching inclusion investing in human capital irresistible classroom learning new technology loss of leadership loss of support metacognition misbehaving students mlk jr. day negative self-talk negative student feedback neutral holiday season lessons neutral thanksgiving lessons new teachers new teachers quitting new year's resolutions online learning online teacher online teaching organizational silence policy threats principal visits pros and cons of using ai racism and social injustice reasons to teach retirement school culture school reform second half of the school year self-efficacy setting boundaries should i become a teacher should i stay in teaching staying positive on the job staying resilient student advocacy student engagement students and parents who evaluate us students don't like me students who identify as transgender or queer subordination supporting students taking time for yourself over the holiday teacher evaluation teacher fears teacher identity and ai teacher professionalism teacher salary teacher self-efficacy teacher-leader teacher-student relationships teachers and bad administrators teachers and book bans teachers and lack of incentive teachers and low self-efficacy teachers and organizational silence teachers being attacked teachers leaving teachers who feel unsafe teaching about gender teaching about racism teaching criteria teaching evaluation teaching isn't about money teaching philosophy teaching with political neutrality technology in schools tips for surviving the first year of teaching too much paperwork toxic positivity u.s. department of education uncaring administrators unruly students us department of education ways to stay motivated during the holidays ways to take time for yourself why being a professional is important why keep teaching will ai replace teachers?Author
Dr. Shea-Alison Thompson
I've been a classroom teacher nearly thirty years and understand how challenging our field can be. That's why I created this site! I'm founder and CEO, and truly hope your exploration here helps you in some way. I earned an E.d.D. ('17) from the University of Southern California and decided to put my time, talents, and expertise into an online community that supports teachers across this nation. (Want to learn more about me? Check out the Meet Your Coach tab.)
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