$49.00 USD

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Teacher support, group coaching, and personal growth opportunities all in one place.

Your online subscription to gaining more confidence, greater insight, and increased positivity as a K-12 teacher.


  • 24/7 access to L.I.F.T. the Teachers™ Community Forums (discussions, challenges, chats)
  • Weekly live group coaching calls 
  • L.I.F.T. the Teachers™ Newsletter and Webinars
  • L.I.F.T. Book Club 
  • Growing library of resources
  • L.I.F.T. Learning Modules and Masterclasses 
  • You get a 1:1 coaching call per quarter with Dr. Shea! 🎉

Renews monthly unless cancelled. 

What People Are Saying:

I have known Dr. Shea for many years. She was a friend to me in the elementary Deaf/Hard of Hearing program where we both worked. From personal experience, I know Dr. Shea would do her best to help a teacher in need. She truly cares about teachers and students, and building trusting relationships. I'm excited to see her transfer those leadership skills to this teaching community.

Kelly N., Classroom Teacher, Los Angeles, CA